22/23/24 NOVEMBER 2024

Having Swing music as her main source of inspiration, Clàudia embraces diverse playful ways to push her dancing forward. Clàudia admires and studies the Jazz roots, focusing on its music and dancing, as a never-ending process in her development as a dancer.
Following the Jazz spirit, believing in its evolution, she is constantly seeking new approaches to apply in her dancing, knowing that the basics are the fundamentals to revisit to keep on growing.
She makes sure that whenever in class, there are always connections to its essence in different ways, from learning and creating individually and together to feeling like a being in a party!
At Winter Swingtime 2024, Clàudia will teach both Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz.
Timothy was first a musician. His journey with jazz starts with self taught piano from youtube and old recordings. He stumbled into dance years later while looking for a jazz jam when got back to his home town from college. He found himself in a room full of people moving there bodies around to swing music, but there was one couple that was dancing. The next day he found himself in the couples house learning this lovely dance called the lindy hop! Clearly he got obsessed with this dance and the culture surrounding the dance and now he is competing, dancing, and teaching internationally.
He was in the most recent installment of the Swing out Show in New York 2023, has performed at the Lincoln center in New York.
At Winter Swingtime 2024, Timothy will teach Lindy Hop.